miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011


I think nowdays teenagers uses this letal drink more often than never. Maybe is for the fact that is a fashion, or a way to be "IN" on the young society. But they don´t realise that this way of fun can expose them to many risks.
Some of them drink alcohol because the considered that it´s really fun to be drunk, and give them like a TOUCH to have the encourage to make things they usually don´t do been sober; they become more outgoing, fun, funny. Also they considered that see the things turning, everything extrange, to walk in a funny way, to lose the control it´s pretty cool.This is serious.
There are two things that aren´t very well here. One is the bad concept of the youngs on these days, "everyones get drunk, so do I". Nooooooooo!!! On that condition , they can´t think well, they lose the limits. This is a perfect oportunity for someone who wants to force them to make something they don´t want, maybe to abuse, or even rape. A teenager that has been drinking very much can make dangerous things, like cross the street when pass all the cars, fall and get hurt, things like that .
 The other thing is what their parents do about it, what they teach them, and how much control have on their children.
Many times, parents give permission without knowledge of who are their children going out with, on what are they are going to go, what time they are going to back home, and in what condition  they get in at the house.
I think parents have to teach them the diference on what is right or wrong,and about what problems they set up. And teenagers have to aware if worth to drink that much and expose them self to that risks only to be "In".

9 comentarios:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This is the most fricking hypocrite I've ever heard!
    Hey guys! Look WHO is teaching us about alcohol, come on!
    But ok, good narrative, it's kind awesome (?)

    That's my comment, so i did my part! See ya

  2. I think this is a problem that is growing day by day and someone has to keep order. I think parents are the ones that have the guilt of the problems of alcohol, and they should be more carefully in giving permission to go outside at night.

  3. Hahahaha who wrote this! but I think it is quite right. Although I can not speak because I take too much alcohol! I like your post:) BRuno

  4. I think that if you are drunk you could do dangerous things.
    That's why i never drink when i go party.

  5. I really like the topic you chose agos!But do you really think that parents should talk more about this problem with their children??Do you think parents don't talk and advise their children about these kind of things??
    and by the way vicky, what did you mean??that you don't drink or you don't drink only when you go out??
    bruno which part is quite right for you??
    bye and enjoy your weekend!!and of course, don't drink!!!

  6. nnnaaaaaaaa,un poco ams cara dura no se puede ser noooo??? jajajaja dios que desastre.

    I think that drink a little bit sometimes is not bad,or get drunk once a month.
    But a totally diferent thing it's to dink a lot every time you go out with your frends or going to dance.
    The parents should or must controlle her sons in this fact becouse geting drunk can be very dangerous for other people and for them specially!

  7. Well, i think that there are a lot of more important problems. Don't think you're exaggerating?
